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Upper-intermediate dates & prices

Upper-intermediate dates & prices

All courses are being held at the school, unless it says ‘Online Course’.
When a course ends, the next level starts two weeks after.
There are no classes between December 23rd and January 3rd.

Upper-Intermediate 1 (B2.1)

Start: February 18th
Online Course
Tuesdays: 18.15-19.45
Duration: 12 weeks
Price: €295

Start: April 28th
Mondays: 20.00-21.30
Duration: 12 weeks
Price: €295

Start: May 28th
Online Course
Wednesdays: 20.00-21.30
Duration: 12 weeks
Price: €295

Upper-Intermediate 2 (B2.2)

Start: February 17th
Mondays: 18.15-19.45
Duration: 12 weeks
Price: €295

Start: April 16th
Wednesdays: 18.15-19.45
Duration: 12 weeks
Price: €295

Start: May 20th
Online Course
Tuesdays: 18.15-19.45
Duration: 12 weeks
Price: €295

Start: May 20th
Tuesdays: 20.00-21.30
Duration: 12 weeks
Price: €295

Upper-Intermediate 3 (B2.3)

There are no Upper-Intermediate 3 Courses scheduled at the moment.